Not gonna lie, that crown feels GOOD. |
Mr. Lee! |
So I've successfully completed two weekends of The Marvelous Wonderettes and it has been an absolute blast getting to play around onstage in cute blue dresses 4 nights a week! The audience seems to really enjoy it and every show is different. Lots of moments for improvising within my character which I think is the most fun and my favorite thing to do. The other night I definitely licked some icing off of some poor girl's cupcake wrapper. Well hey, she shouldn't have left it within the reach of me! Other fun moments include me forgetting to wear my underwear onstage (ooops), Genevieve completely surprising me and bopping me on the nose while singing to me, and (spoiler alert) picking up my gum off the floor only to find a big ole hair on it. And eating it. Nom nom nom! Seriously all of the hard work of rehearsal is really paying off now. I can relax and feel confident that I know the steps and the notes and focus on telling the story and just PLAY! The other night I noticed things that each of my three cast mates were doing in the show that absolutely cracked me up. I wasn't able to notice before because I was in my little world of "oh my god I hope I'm doing this right." Now I am finally comfortable and can't wait for what shenanigans the last two weeks of the run have in store. I'm also mentally preparing myself to get a day job so I don't starve. I'm preparing to not beat myself up for not having anything booked right now. I'm preparing to tell myself, "hey, just because you're waiting tables and/or substitute teaching and/or baristaing right now doesn't mean the success you've had this past year and a half doesn't count. It doesn't mean you aren't finally hitting your stride and it doesn't mean all that positive self-talk you've finally been able to give yourself goes down the toilet. It's just a moment to pause, reflect, get some money in your bank account and get your ass to NYC." (If I'm feeling down you all have to redirect me to those statements I just made. Thanks in advance. Yay friends!)
Moley Mole Moleeee! |
Sexy. |
Goooo Chipmunks!! |
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Jamas after broadway night at the bar. |
Rock it up there, sistah! So happy to see you're having fun. On the plus side, the longer you spend barista-ing the more we can see each other!!!