Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Goats and Pigs and Trolls, Oh My!

    So I’ve been back to work for two weeks now and it has been a whirlwind! I get to be back on the Mainstage in The Three Little Pigs & Three Billy Goats Gruff starting next week! Rehearsals are in full swing and we are just getting into tech this weekend. I also taught my first improv class for the kiddies. I have 7 students, all of them female save for one little boy who made it very apparent his love for all things guns/military/violence/etc. Yikes! These kids say some crazy things and I just have to be on my toes so they don’t eat me alive. So far the first class went smoothly, but I know I will lose the attention of these kids fast so I need to have a lot of things planned for just an hour-long class. I also really hope I can impart some portion of my “wisdom” to them through the guise of silly improv games and exercises.

Didn't use this board as much as I thought I was going to. But I did draw them Toast MaGotes.

 Sitting at rehearsal today and watching my castmates really gave me some perspective. These four people are so incredibly talented. They are all smart actors with different strengths that they bring to the show and I have already learned so much from working with them. This is our first show where us young company actors are playing all of the lead roles and carrying the show. I already am just so proud of us. I know we have a long way to go before we open but I already feel like this play is going to be such a great joy to be a part of. I’ve also really enjoyed working with our director. He’s a super laid back dude with a great sense of humor. I hope the kids think I'm funny too!

The set was up and painted and beautiful when I walked into rehearsal tonight!

One of my favorite moments in the show.

So much talent in this Ginger.

Just wanted to add this adorable pic of Charlie. So glad he's back home with Jillian and Garrett!

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