Sunday, July 7, 2013

Home is Wherever I'm With You

    It has recently come to my attention that I will be moving back home in about 40 days and leaving this year in Arkansas behind. And you know what? Several months ago I couldn't wait to leave. But now I know I'm going to be a little more than heartbroken. Something has happened in the past several months. I guess it takes this long to get close to people in a new place, but I feel like I'm just getting comfortable.. with living alone, my job(s), and my friendships. I'm starting to feel like I fit somewhere, and I haven't felt that way since college. Living at home isn't the worst thing in the world. There are things I love about home. But besides my family (roommates) most of the people who made home a place worth living have moved away or have very busy jobs and families of their own. I was not expecting to leave this many people behind that I truly have connections to. And maybe it is only a handful of folks, but I will miss that handful dearly. I know I have things to look forward to at home. Philly theater, NYC trips/auditions, STEEL FREAKING MAGNOLIAS!!!!!! And old, true friends. But as unlikely as it seemed at first I am definitely leaving a piece of my heart here.
In other news, Junior Arts ended and I've gained back my sanity. Teaching at Summer Theater Academy has been a blast. I really enjoy the kids and have been learning tons from the more experienced teachers. Also enjoy my restaurant job. (Whoda thunk?)

Alright, photo catch up:

So adorable when they all sang at once. As soon as the singing was done though chaos ensued.

Seriously the sweetest kid at JA.

Super kids!

The most terrifying child art from Junior Arts. Good luck sleeping tonight.

Some nice friends kept me company while I watched Oliver at Arkansas Shakes!
Amurrica. Little Rock.
Not gonna try to explain this. But it will haunt me for a long time.

Also today I re-read all of my earlier posts and one quote of mine from my very first post stuck out to me. Going to attempt to take my own advice:

" But I do have faith that once I am settled and throw myself into the work and am reminded once again of why I chose this path (because it makes life worth it) I will start to get myself together."

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