Saturday, August 18, 2012

On The Road

Hi there! I guess I never thought about how difficult it would be to write an introductory post on a blog. I mean, I read lots of blogs (and by read, I mean stalk and pin all the outfit pictures and recipes that jump out at me on my blog reader,) but I've never read any initial posts on any of them. Guess I should have done more research, but after 12 hours on the road I'm just gonna do what I do best: wing it/fake it.

I guess introducing myself and what my best intentions for this blog are would be a good first step. I'm Sandi. I'm 23 and I've been out of theater college for a little over a year. I landed a professional acting gig performing in a season of children's shows at a well-respected theater in Little Rock, Arkansas. 
Wow...that was a lot less complicated than I thought.

This is an Instagram of the last of my bags, sitting out front of my house at approximately 5:30 this morning. I don't know the next time I will see this house, my family, my puppies, and my friends. (Who btw, threw me a surprise going away party. It's been a secret dream of mine to have someone throw a surprise party for me, and I was not expecting it at all. I don't remember the last time I felt so overwhelmed with love and happiness.)

People have been asking me if I am nervous or excited to drive across the country with my parents, have my own apartment and work my first "real job" out of college. And honestly, I don't know what to tell them. I've had about a year of the Post-Grad blues, and I think I'm still a little numb and skeptical that I might actually find myself out here and enjoy some kind of success or advancement in my career. But I do have faith that once I am settled and throw myself into the work and am reminded once again of why I chose this path (because it makes life worth it) I will start to get myself together.

This is what I was riding in the backseat of for about 10ish hours today. I was out late the night before enjoying some good company and a Monster Mash sundae from Friendly's so I was plenty tired for this trip. We're spending the night at a hotel in Knoxville, TN and ending up in Little Rock tomorrow evening. We can't move in to my apartment till Monday so we will be spending tomorrow in another hotel. I feel a little bad that I wasn't really conscious enough to take in any sights on the ride thus-far. Maybe tomorrow I will be more alert... maybe.

P.S. Here's me in a crown from Burger King today. It matched my sunglasses!

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